What Is Critical illness Insurance ?

What Is Critical illness Insurance ?
What Is Critical illness Insurance ?

Critical illness insurance is all about peace of mind in the event you or a covered family member are diagnosed with a major illness or have a heart attack or stroke this insurance plan will pay you a lump sum of money critical illness insurance typically covers heart attack stroke and cancer and may also cover major surgeries check the details of your critical illness policy to determine which illnesses are covered. 

I bought critical illness because I want to be sure that if my spouse or I are diagnosed with a severe illness we can be together 24/7 since we both work and we depend on both of our incomes to support our family the income loss can be very difficult on our family I know the money from our critical illness coverage will allow us to focus on our

family and treating the illness and not on money I bought critical illness because heart disease runs in my family if I get diagnosed I want to spend my energy fighting the disease not worrying about money when you elect critical illness you choose a dollar amount for example $5,000 or $10,000 and that is the amount that will be paid to you or a covered dependent if you are diagnosed with a critical illness that is covered

by your plan critical illness coverage generally costs less if you purchase it through your employer rather than on your own in addition you may be able to enroll without answering medical questions even if you have existing illnesses if you do have certain existing illnesses however there may be some limitations to your ability to collect the benefits for these specific conditions if I get sick

how do I get the money receiving benefits for a critical illness diagnosis is simple if you are diagnosed by a doctor with one of the covered illnesses you will receive the selected dollar amount and can spend the money as you see fit having this support financially will bring you and your family the peace of mind necessary to aggressively take on a critical illness no one wants to

consider the possibility of getting a critical illness but by purchasing this insurance you can minimize the financial impact on you and your family you